Sunday 30 September 2007

Act Two nearly finished

Friday (September 28) saw us hurtling towards the end of both Act Two and the play. However, owing to the technicalities of blocking the Daleks in for a major sequence (which I can't discuss, sorry!) meant that this will have to picked up at tomorrow's rehearsal (October 1). There was much discussion on certain aspects of how to achieve maximum drama and impact from the action and contributions were welcome from everyone. Of course, I put my comments in!

Once we've finished Block 6, we'll be giving the whole of Act One a run through and from now on scripts are not allowed, eek!

This is where it get serious and all the larking around that we have been doing to help make rehearsals fun has to be turned down while the professionalism is turned up.

As a surprise this time, Stuart Currie (one of the Dalek builders) turned up with his two Daleks, Dylan and Dougal, for use at rehearsal. This was due to technical reasons.

Dalek Spy header

Sadly for Dalek Spy, Block 6 has now arrived so it's the last time for three little words. However, there is a photo of Dylan visiting us and next week there should also be an exclusive video interview with Stuart Currie.

  • target
  • ashes
  • lunatic
Click on the image for a larger version in a new window

A surprise visit from Dylan the Dalek