Wednesday 3 October 2007

LINKing the play... part 1

When I'm not busy being a Dalek, I work as the Website & e-Communications Officer for Portsmouth City Council. A while back I published an article on our Intranet which caused a run on tickets (see Tickets selling out... from June 7).

The lastest issue of our staff magazine, LINK, has just been published and the back page is devoted to an interview with me about being a Dalek in the play. We've also run this issue's competition to tie in with the play by offering a pair of free tickets to the winner.

Our graphic designer used the Daleks from the play's poster and has added them to the outside of the New Theatre Royal.

You can see the Dalek article from LINK by clicking on the image for a larger version in a new window.

Dalek article from LINK

You can find out about the drawing of the winner at LINKing the play... part 2.